Monday 22 February 2016

X-ray Observatory ASTRO-H

X-ray Observatory ASTRO-H
17 February 2016, 17:45 local time, Japan made a successful launch of the carrier rocket H-IIA, which has carried out a conclusion in outer space new x-ray telescope ASTRO-H, which became the most powerful and the most advanced x-ray astronomical instrument to date. The missile launch was performed from the launch pad of the cosmodrome and Tanegashima flight, during which were produced the procedure of separating the two exhaust stages, went almost flawlessly. As a result, the telescope ASTRO-H was on orbit after 14 minutes and 15 seconds after launch.

The collision of black holes

The collision of black holes

A long time scientists and astronomers have assumed that the cataclysm occurring in the collision of two black holes, emitting enormous energy that generates gravitational waves. And only recently this theory has received the first practical confirmation. According to estimates, the energy of collision is equal to the energy released in a space of 10^23 stars, equivalent in all respects to the Sun. Just imagine - the energy of 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars! And the most important thing in this is that all this mass of energy is released within a very short period of time, during the last few turns around each other colliding black holes, which eventually merge and form a single rotating black hole large sizes.

Outstanding lawyers

Cesare Beccaria


Outstanding lawyers
A prominent Italian jurist, humanist and educator. He was born and lived in Milan. After graduating from law school he engaged in literary activities. Beccaria 4 months has written a book-a pamphlet, "On crimes and punishments" (1764), which determined his place in the history of political doctrines, criminal law and legislation. In his book, Beccaria not only denounced, but proved the irrationality of cruelty, injustice and tyranny of the feudal justice system, clearly revealed unsystematic and contradictory legislation of contemporary States in Europe. Beccaria called for the establishment of equality of all citizens before the law, particularly through the abolition of privileges of the nobility, insisted that only the law can define a range of criminal conduct and that the offender can be sentenced only to the penalty that was previously established by law.

Welding neuron

Welding neuron
Scientists have developed a technology for laser welding of neurons with each other

A group of researchers from the University of Alberta (University of Alberta), has developed a technology for quick connection of neurons to each other using ultrashort pulses of laser light. This technology gives researchers a complete control of the manufacturing process of artificial neural networks, which opens up huge perspectives in the field of neurobiological research in the field of medicine to eliminate the effects of certain neurological diseases and injuries of the nervous tissue.

The electrode-stent

The electrode-stent
Interfaces the brain-computer, which were developed in sufficient numbers in recent years, allow paralyzed people to control "power of thought" specialized robotic prostheses, exoskeletons, robots, and controls the user interfaces of computer programs. In most cases such interfaces require electrodes or chips embedded in the brain surgically, which represent the minimum level of noise and interference relative to the level of the wanted signal from the neurons. However, a new type of electrode design is similar to a medical stent, can provide high quality recording from neurons without the need for dangerous surgical operations on the open brain. Electrode "stentrode", the size of a matchstick, which was developed by a group of Australian scientists, can be simply inserted into a vein that is part of the circulatory system of the brain.

The Reactor Wendelstein 7-X

The Reactor Wendelstein 7-X
The newest experimental fusion reactor Wendelstein 7-X was successfully warmed up injected into his cell a small amount of hydrogen to a temperature of 80 million degrees Celsius, turning hydrogen gas into high temperature plasma. Most of the settings and modes of operation of the reactor were identified by German scientists at the end of last year, during the first run of the reactor in which the fuel used is gaseous helium. And the last event is the beginning of an extensive programme of testing and research in the field of thermonuclear fusion using the world's largest reactor type stellato.

Interesting ways of divorce

Interesting ways of divorce
In different countries around the world divorce in different ways. An interesting custom is in one English town. If a person will go to the temple and, with my hand on the Bible, I would say that during the entire calendar year, never regretted the marriage, he was entitled to the reward in the form of hams. This custom existed for 350 years. The annals state that in all that time ham handed to just 8 pieces.

1. Unbelievable, but until the 18th century in Wales, terminate the marriage with an ordinary broom. Divorce was possible, jumping the broom, set at the front door. The broom was supposed to jump one of the spouses.