Monday, 22 February 2016

About lawyers

The sooner the Catholic Church was engaged advocates of the devil? 

About lawyers
Until 1983, the Catholic Church had a special position — the devil's advocate. The work of this man was to collect all possible arguments against the canonization of another righteous candidate. In contrast to the devil's advocate there was another post — the defender of God, whose functions were opposite. In modern language, the term "devil's advocate" is often used to refer to people who defend a position that do not adhere to.

What ended the age-old legal battle over the estate of the richest Englishman?

About lawyers
In 1798, he died the richest at that time, the Englishman William Jennens who had no wife or children and did not leave a will. Initially, the court appointed principal heir his Grand-nephew, who died in his youth, and then the condition in 2 000 000 pounds tried to distribute among other relatives, which were declared more and more. Litigation eventually stretched for several generations and ended after 117 years after the death of Jennens due to the fact that all the inheritance was spent on legal fees. Yes, consulting a lawyer at the time was quite expensive.

What a ridiculous way died an American lawyer Clement Vallandigham?

About lawyers
In 1871, American lawyer Clement Vallandigham conducted the case, defending a man accused of murder because of a quarrel in a bar. He built a proof of innocence on the fact that the victim himself accidentally shot himself, pulling a gun from his pocket in an uncomfortable position. Vallandigham wanted to demonstrate this development, putting another gun in his pocket (he thought uncharged). As a result, the lawyer, taking him, shot himself. From wounds he died, and his client was acquitted.

How provincial French lawyer in the 19th century became king of the state in South America?

About lawyers
The Frenchman Aurelie Antoine de Tunan, who lived in the 19th century, since childhood, dreamed of adventures, travels to distant lands and rule their own Kingdom. Educated and working as a lawyer in a provincial town, he did not abandon his fantasies and carefully preparing for implementation of the plan. Finding a sponsor, Tunan with two comrades went to South America on the land where Indians lived-araucana. Formally, these territories were part of Chile, but the Indians successfully fought against the colonialists. The Frenchman was inspired by the speeches of the Indians on the proclamation of the new state — Araucania, began to rule them under the name of Antoine and I had to spend the war with Chile. Although in the end araucana defeated, and himself Antoine was arrested and sent back to France.

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