Gadgets spoil the appearance |
Various gadgets have become an integral part of our lives. However, doctors are concerned that the new technology can adversely affect the appearance and health of the person. What's is their destructive impact and how to prevent?
Horizontal wrinkles formed on the skin of the neck, give the effect of "tech neck". Such a deficiency occurs in women who often have to use a laptop and a smartphone. At the dermatologist Joel Schlessinger is your explanation of this phenomenon. The thing is that with straightened back the head of an adult weighs 4 kilograms. If the head is slightly bent forward, its load on the neck is 22 pounds. I frequently work with a laptop or smartphone human muscles and skin of the neck suffer from heavy load. Because of this, felt back pain and heaviness in the neck. In addition, its delicate and thin skin loses collagen, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.
Gadgets spoil the appearance |
To prevent the formation of deep horizontal creases of the skin, it is necessary to use creams with peptides. They actively stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. If wrinkles have already appeared, have to visit the beauty salon. Effective hardware procedures, Botox injections, wrinkle fillers filler based on hyaluronic acid. But exercises to strengthen neck muscles can even more harm. Dr. Shlessinger claims that overstrained platysma (muscle surrounding the neck) can "delete" the oval of the face.
Many girls first wrinkles on the face, namely around the eye area, appear long before the age of 30 years, and the cause becomes excessive attachment to smartphones. Skin fade due to the fact that the person is looking intently at the screen of the gadget, squints constantly. American dermatologist Paul Frank strongly recommends to follow the font size and backlight level on the smartphone. Also the expert advises to take care of the delicate skin around the eyes.
Gadgets spoil the appearance |
Now in the modern vocabulary of expressions, you can find the word phacne. They are called pimples on the face that appeared constantly in contact with the smartphone skin. This gadget is considered to be one of the dirtiest items used by humans during the day. The phone comes in contact with dirty hands, objects in a bag or pocket, which accumulate millions of bacteria. When a smartphone owner conducts a telephone conversation, germs from the gadget instantly migrate to the affected skin and cause it painful inflammation.
To avoid this problem, the screen must be treated regularly with antibacterial wipes designed to take care of equipment. If rash has already appeared, during their treatment, it is necessary to use a headset.
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