The trials of animals |
In the Middle ages the trial of animals was considered a matter of quite common. In those days there was no discrimination based on race, appearance and detachment.
— In 1545 in Switzerland took place the trial of the beetles. Drafted a document which stated that the beetles must live in a specially designated area for them. Residents, living nearby, was strictly forbidden to cause any damage to the beetles in areas of habitat.
— In Spain, in the city of Camarena, tried the mole. In 1540 the mole was spoiled very valuable tapestry. Unbelievable but mole was sentenced to beheading. Themis has announced that the mole is expelled from the country.
The locust was charged with obstruction of a vineyard. It happened in France, in Saint-Jean-de-Molen, in 1545. The court was attended by lawyers: one spoke on behalf of residents. Second, accordingly, came to the defense of insects. The locusts had disappeared, not even waiting for the court decision. The meeting decided to postpone until the moment when the locusts appear again.
The trials of animals |
And again France. In 1120 judged mice what they destroyed stocks of grain.
— Severely crippled the bull man in France in 1313. The court could not respond to this crime. After considering the case, the sentence was pronounced: ox guilty and sentenced to death. The bull hung up.
In the XIV century, the inhabitants of Chur (Switzerland) sued the white worms. The trial was conducted without the participation of the accused because the defendants did not appear in court. Because the judge found inhumane for living creatures to deprive them of their right to exist, the court decided: in the woods white worms to separate the area in which living beings could live and not to cause the inhabitants any harm.
Lawyer living in France, Bartoli-Chanson, was famous for the fact that defended mice and rats. In court, in 1480, he boldly stated that rodents did not attend the meeting because their residence area has no clear boundaries. For this reason they could not have known that their cause in court. The lawyer also said that to judge all mice are not supposed to. It is necessary to prove the guilt of each. Of course, the court had no choice as to simply drop the case.
The trials of animals |
Known even such cases, when judged not only animals, but also...plants. At that time, at the time of Henry IV, took place the trial of melon. The fruit has been accused of causing abdominal pain such an important person as His Majesty.
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